Last week, I started Weight Watchers with a friend of mine. I have been on and off with WW since I was in the 5th grade. Mostly because my family and I would go on vacation to California a lot and so I would go on WW to get in shape :) Since I have started high school, I haven't had the time to start WW, though it has really been on my mind. For the past few months, I had been exercising about 45 minutes every other day. But I just noticed I was getting stronger, not leaner and more toned.
Since I have started WW, which has been a full week, I have noticed a huge difference. My posture is a lot more straight, I've been drinking a lot more water, and I've done all I can to squeeze in a few workouts everyday.
I have to be honest, the first few days I started Weight Watchers, I was okay with it. I wanted to feel great and I just kept telling myself, "Just one day at a time! That's all it is!". But now as I'm starting a new week, I feel like I'm missing out like I usually have felt in my past diets. I'm not really thinking how I'm just taking this one day at a time, but I'm focusing on what I want to look like. And I realize, that is what has made me, let's face it, a failure in the past!
What is Weight Watchers All About?
WW is not about no getting to eat the foods you love. It is in fact the complete opposite! This diet is to help on your portions and to help teach yourself to get in the habit of exercises and all things healthy... just with starving yourself of course.
For every day, depending on how old you are, you are given a specific amount of points. We as WW "do-er's", consider food as points. We use a little paper tablet devise to calculate how many points something is using the total number of calories, fat, and dietary fiber.
WW also has a system called the "Points Booster" system, which is exactly what it sounds like. Another little paper tablet will calculate how many points you can earn back after exercising, using how hard you were working out, how long you were working out for, and how much you weigh.
My total of points per day is 27. It may seem a lot for each day, but something like an apple is 1pt and a bowl of cereal with non fat milk is 4pts. So you can see it all adds up fast. I plan on working my points per day down to 21 points or lower, but no lower than 19 (remember, we don't want to starve ourselves). I am a teenager, and 21 points is a healthy rate, but for now I'm going to start at 27.
One thing I will not be doing in this diet is the Points Booster system, only because I don't want to use those extra points that I worked off, and put them back into my body again. If I'm going to workout or work off the calories, I want to keep them off!
I am going on a trip in less than a month and a half, so I will record what and how I'm doing. Like I said, it has already been 1 week since I started WW and I have lost 5-7 pounds! I will write more, :)