Wednesday, February 22, 2012

encouraging and funny

What?  It's funny!

And even some what motivating *haha* Enjoy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


So I've been noticing my jeans have been falling apart and I told myself I need to get new jeans!  But then, I was like, "Well maybe I should go on a diet so I can go down a few sizes before I let my family buy some for me."  So that's what I'm doing.  A diet.  But not just any brand diet.  I am doing a teenager-y diet just for me.  I have tried out so many diets in the passed and the only best results without starving myself was Weight Watchers.  I loved it (did you know you can lose 7 lbs in a week??).  With experience, I knew starting WW again would take a lot out of me for even just one day.  I don't really have time to write down what I'm eating and how many points is this macaroni, blah blah blah.  With school, I just need to focus on school.  I can't bring my life into school. 

I found this great book called Diet Drama by Nancy Redd.  I love everything about this book, I am tempted to buy it instead of having to recheck it out several times from the library.  Nancy categorizes her "plans" into three sections of the book; Love Your Body, Move Your Body, and Feed Your Body.  With amazing exercise tips and portion sizing's for snacks 100 calories or under, I thought I'd use some of Nancy's work. 

If you have ever opened up a diet book, where it shows you "easy recipes for better bods!" or "pump these moves into your schedule!" and "it hurts, but it works!", you might notice that all of the women modeling out the exercises are size 0s.  I don't know about you, but that turned me off for a bunch of diet books.  I am not your average size two, but I would at least like to see some, ya know, larger women in the diet books.  I don't know, I guess it's just me XP

With Nancy's book, and I don't mean to be rude, everyone of the models are obese.  "Normal" people might laugh at them, but I was so happy!  The girls who were in the move your body section were doing fun dance moves and they looked like they had a great time doing all of it :D  I was really happy.

Now what am I doing now?  Well for starters, I am not eating any bread.  I looked at what I was mostly eating everyday, and most of it was bread/doughy things.  Second, I'm not eating any more pasta.  I love pasta, but it sticks to me so much, I just had to get that out of my diet.  No white rice!  I love white rice, the only exception is brown rice because it's a little bit healthier.  And after breaking 6 months of not having any soda, I had a soda a few days ago.  I'm trying to get back into the no soda thing, so we'll see.

I have to go:D  School time!